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The Pastor's Blog

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Paul Harvey was a radio broadcaster whose popular newscasts could be heard across America for decades. Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story” related little-known facts on a variety of subjects. After a surprise-ending, the broadcasts concluded with the tag line: “And now you know... the rest of the story.”


I’d like to know the rest of the story. What happened to those Jesus marvelously and miraculously healed? Did they join the disciples in Jerusalem as the Gospel was spread from Jerusalem and Judea to Samaria and beyond? I’d like to know the rest of their story.


Here’s an example… What happened after Jesus turned the water into wine? John’s second chapter tells the story of an embarrassing miscalculation. The groom and his family must have been horrified to discover that their special guests wouldn’t be served. They were running out of refreshments and the wedding feast was about to come to an abrupt and humiliating conclusion.


Then, just before the disgraced and downcast groom stood before family and friends to announce his unforgettable failure, the headwaiter … called the groom and told him, ‘Everyone sets out the fine wine first … But you have kept the fine wine until now’ ” (John 2:9–10).


“We didn’t run out of wine? We saved the best for last? Really? We did?”


That’s the end of John’s account. But, Jesus visited Cana again in John’s fourth chapter. Did the Miracle-working Messiah pay the newlyweds a visit? Did the happy couple get an opportunity to express their appreciation? Did they fall at His feet and worship Jesus as the One who saved their wedding celebration and also saved their souls?


Someday we’ll know the rest of the story!


But before I close … Does this story prompt you to express your appreciation for God’s bountiful blessings… for His gifts of great grace?


“… think on these things” (Philippians 4:8, KJV).



© 2021

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