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The Pastor's Blog

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When Jesus came across the Sea of Galilee, walking through the storm-tossed waves, He invited Peter to step out of his fishing boat. Faithfully, obediently, Peter threw his leg over the side of the boat and stepped onto the angry water. “Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ ” (Matthew 14:29–30).


The brevity of Peter’s prayer is remarkable. In the English rendering, Peter used only three one-syllable words. “Lord, save me!” His prayer was powerful and effective, and Jesus answered his request by plucking him out of the water and saving him from death by drowning.


Sometimes short prayers are the best prayers.


As Paul concluded his epistle to Titus, he turned his attention Heavenward and wrote, “Grace be with all of you!” (Titus 3:15).


Paul did not simply close his letter with a polite, but empty and meaningless salutation. “Grace to you…” This was Paul’s sincerest prayer for the young pastor. Paul prayed that Titus would understand, know, and experience God’s abiding grace. He prayed that God’s undeserved favor would be poured out on Titus, that God would bless Titus, not because he deserved God’s blessings, but because God is gracious.


His plural greeting to “all of you” seems a bit odd since Paul was writing to an audience of one – Titus. But Paul knew that his letter, though addressed primarily to Titus, would be read by his entire congregation on the Island of Crete (Titus 1:5). Paul prayed for the church. “Grace be with all of you… to you… and you… and you!”


And Paul’s desire wasn’t that God would grant a one-time gift of grace. He prayed, “Grace be with all of you!” Paul invited God to dwell with Titus and his church family, to be near, to snuggle up close, to “be with” them.


Paul’s desire was that Titus and his church would be ever-aware of God’s abiding and gracious presence. “Grace be with all of you!”


As you read this short post, know that my attention turns Heavenward as I pray for you… yes you. “Oh Lord God, grant an awareness of Your ever-abiding grace!”


“… think on these things” (Philippians 4:8, KJV).


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