At Zarephath, as Elijah ministered to an impoverished widow, God miraculously provided as her “flour jar did not become empty, and the oil jug did not run dry” (1 Kings 17:16). For as long as the draught lasted, God’s provision was enough. They never went without.
Years later, something oddly similar happened during Elisha’s ministry.
A widow sought assistance from Elisha. Her husband, a faithful prophet, had died leaving the widow and two children. Creditors were calling at all hours of the day and night demanding repayment. She pleaded with Elisha, “now the creditor is coming to take my two children as his slaves” (2 Kings 4:1).
All the widow had was a “jar of oil” (2 Kings 4:2). Apparently, her flour bin was already empty. She was destitute.
So, here’s what happened. Elisha told the poor lady, “Go out and borrow empty containers from all your neighbors. Do not get just a few. Then go in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour oil into all these containers. Set the full ones to one side” (2 Kings 4:3-4).
Just like the widow at Zarephath, her oil jar never went dry… not until she had filled every empty jar. She kept pouring and pouring. Dozens and dozens of jars were filled to the brim. “When they were full, she said to her son, ‘Bring me another container.’ But he replied, ‘There aren’t any more.’ Then the oil stopped” (2 Kings 4:6)
Excited and amazed, she rushed to Elisha to give him the miraculous report. “Go sell the oil and pay your debt; you and your sons can live on the rest” (2 Kings 4:7).
When there is no way, God makes a way!
“… think on these things” (Philippians 4:8, KJV).