Is there an unwritten rule that says we must conclude every prayer with the declaration: “amen”? Does saying “amen” let God know that were finished with our ramblings? “I’m done, God! That’s all! Amen!”
“Amen” was a Hebrew word that was transliterated into Greek and again into English.
In both Old and New Testaments, to say “amen” is to declare that something is certain, sure, valid, and truthful.
In Matthew’s version of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6, 7), Jesus employed the word “amen” five times. In English, it’s translated “Truly I tell you…” (Matthew 5:18), “Truly I tell you…” (Matthew 5:26), “Truly I tell you…”(Matthew 6:2), “Truly I tell you…” (Matthew 6:5), and “Truly I tell you…” (Matthew 6:16). In the Shakspearian language of the King James Version, one reads, “Verily I say unto thee…” (Matthew 5:18, KJV). Jesus declared the truth… “Amen, I tell you! Listen up! This is important!”
So, it’s not surprising that Jesus is the self-described “Amen.” Speaking to John in the Revelation, Jesus commanded, “Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea: Thus says the Amen, the faithful and true witness…” (Revelation 3:14).
Jesus is the Always-True, Forever-Certain, Completely-Trustworthy Savior and Sustainer, Lord and King… the Amen!
“… think on these things” (Philippians 4:8, KJV).
