Wednesday Evenings | 6:00 | Fellowship Hall
All children (Pre-K - 5th grade) are invited to SoGo Wednesdays! Children's Pastor, Austin Hicks, leads in games, a Bible story, and other activities. Children also spend time learning new songs and worshipping together!
Through the summer, children will be in a Bible study called SENT. They're studying different people throughout all of Scripture who met Jesus, were changed by the gospel, and then were sent with that Good News. We also are challenged to be sent out with the Good News of Jesus!
SGBC Students
Wednesday Evenings | 6:00 | B Building
All students (grades 6-12) are invited to SoGo Wednesdays! Students gather for a time of games, worship, and a Bible study led by Student Pastor, Casey Flynt.
SGBC Students are currently in a study through the Book of Psalms, and they're being challenged to read through the Psalms over the summer. Read along with them! The schedule is available HERE.




The ultimate goal of SoGo Wednesdays is to point children and students to The Gospel!
The Gospel is the GOOD NEWS that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus! A fuller telling of The Gospel is available HERE.