In order to better serve our community and our church, SGBC has a variety of Ministry Teams in place. Each team has a task, and they carry it out with the help of faithful volunteers from the congregation.
Read about our many different Ministry Teams below, and sign up using this form if you'd like to volunteer in one of these areas! Someone from that Ministry Team will contact you!
Baptist Church Builders: Every summer, SGBC sends a team to partner with the Baptist Church Builders of Texas to help with the building of a church.
Bereavement: SGBC’s Bereavement Ministry Team works to serve those who are hurting in our church and our community, by coordinating with other SGBC members to prepare and serve meals before or after memorial services.
Casas por Cristo: SGBC sends a team to Juarez, Mexico each year in October in partnership with the Casas por Cristo Ministry. While in Juarez, the team works to build a house for a family in need. They also seek the opportunity to share the Gospel with those they meet.
Deacons: SGBC has 20 actively-serving deacons who serve the Lord and His Church.
Decorating: The Decorating Ministry Team serves SGBC by decorating, arranging, and beautifying the interior of the church buildings.
Family: Families, including parents, children, and students, are incredibly important to us at SGBC. Our Family Pastor, Austin Hicks, encourages members to serve our families at SGBC. Volunteers are needed in the nursery and preschool area, and there are always opportunities to serve among children and students.
Geezers: A group of men meets every Thursday morning to complete plumbing, electrical, and other maintenance projects around our church building.
Helping Hands: SGBC’s Helping Hands Ministry serves those in our church who have minor projects around their home and/or yard that need completed. These services are offered at no cost to church members.
Hi5 Sidewalk Ministry: From 7:00-8:00 every morning, a faithful group of men meet
on the sidewalk at South Georgia Elementary School to welcome children to school. They give hugs, high-fives, and words of encouragement to children and their parents as they walk into the building.
Jail Ministry: SGBC weekly sends men into the Potter County and Randall County jails. They teach Bible studies and give out Bibles to the residents of the jail.
Library: SGBC has a wonderful library; the Library Ministry Team keeps our library up-to-date with books, videos, and other materials.
Men: SGBC’s Men’s Ministry Team gathers for fellowships and Bible studies to encourage men and boys to develop a deeper personal relationship with Christ and with each other.
New Members: The New Members Ministry Team serves to welcome our newest members by hosting fellowships and encouraging new members to assimilate into the life and ministries of the Church.
Quilting: A group of ladies meets every-other week to make quilts and to pray for those in our church who are sick, hurting, or in need of encouragement.
Safety: The Safety Ministry Team assists in maintaining a safe church campus by monitoring facilities, recommending safety measures, and providing a safety presence at Church entrances and parking lots during Sunday and Wednesday activities.
Scholarship: SGBC offers financial scholarships to members who are furthering their education after high school.
Snack Pak: Our Snack Pak 4 Kids Ministry Team oversees the purchasing, packing, and distribution of Snack Paks to the children who attend South Georgia and South Lawn Elementary.
SoGo Bible Club: SGBC hosts SoGo Bible Club every Thursday afternoon at South Georgia Elementary School. Bible Club exists to tell children about the Gospel of Jesus! Children have a snack, play games, and hear the Gospel every week.
SonShiners 55+: SGBC’s SonShiners 55+ Adult Ministry gathers for a variety of fellowships throughout the month. They gather to encourage one another and to minister to others.
Special Events & Fellowships: SGBC’s Special Events/Fellowships Ministry Team assists Ministerial Staff with the planning and facilitating of special events and fellowships. The team works to plan and set up for the activities and enlist an appropriate number of servers.
Technology: The Technology Committee manages the scheduling and training of volunteers who work to run the sound system, cameras, and projection system during Sunday morning Worship Services.
Transportation: Every week, SGBC provides transportation to our Sunday morning activities.
Welcome: The Welcome Ministry Team serves as greeters to welcome every visitor and member on Sunday mornings. The team works closely with the Safety Ministry Team to ensure that the building is safe.
Women: SGBC’s Women’s Ministry Team seeks to organize, enlist, and encourage women and girls to develop a deeper personal relationship with Jesus. They gather frequently for Bible study, fellowship, and times of retreat.
Worship Choir: SGBC’s Worship Choir leads our congregation in worship through song each Sunday morning during our worship service. They gather for rehearsal each Wednesday evening, and anyone is welcome to join our choir.