Living My Best Life
SGBC is pleased to be partnering with Park Central to host
Living My Best Life.
The events will take place in the SGBC B Building, and the trainings will be done by employees of Park Central. Lunch will be provided at each event.
While the topics will target senior adults, we would love to have caregivers or advocates of someone in need join us as well.
This will be a community event and will not be limited to the membership of South Georgia Baptist Church.
Mark these dates on your calendar and plan to take advantage of this special opportunity. Each event will gather from 11:30-1:00.
The dates and topics are as follows:
August 9 | Physical Health and Dietary Choices
August 23 | Mental Health and Memory Support
September 13 | Dealing with Isolation and Anxiety
September 27 | Advanced Planning for Senior Living
Though you are invited to all four sessions, the information given at each of the sessions will stand alone. You may choose the one(s) that will be most helpful to your individual situation or that will answer a pressing need.
The finale will conclude on October 11 with lunch at Park Central and a tour of their newly renovated facilities located at 1210 South Van Buren.
Anyone interested in attending will need to call the church office (806.355.8169) or email Karen Wells at, to help us provide adequate accommodations.
Join us as we seek to live our best lives - for HIM!